Want to add a new feature to FormBot?

FormBot development team is eager to hear what new features you want to see in the FormBot platform.

Please go ahead and tell us which feature you want us to add to FormBot, we will be more than happy to.

How to download Data from the submitted form in CSV format ?

Hi Uaebeagt,
We would be adding the ability to download csv , Excel and Json in few days. Thanks for the request and trying the app.


Hey Mehran, tkx for that prompt feedback. I would like to know how soon can this be done, as I intend to use the form for community purposes and propagate it across the group (wide audience)

You are most welcome. I would keep you posted as soon as it goes live.

Kind Regards,

@maamehran said:

Changes live. @uaebsagt Please review and let us know your feedback.


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